Monday, May 24, 2010

Hello out there...

Time for a blog post:

I haven't been taking very many pictures lately.  We've been busy with yardwork and playing with family and friends but sadly, no pics.  Oh well. Maybe this weekend we'll take a few snapshots.

Just wanted to check in and say that I am so happy to be a mom.  I'm happy to be a woman and happy to be surrounded by so much creativity and goodness.  I'm in a good place today and wanted to record it for those days that aren't so good.

Hope you're in a good place, too!


JaMilLyN said...

Hello to you too! It's great to be in a good place sometimes. Life is crazy so I think it's awesome you recorded good thoughts. You're neat!

MIchelle said...

Hey babe! Glad to know you are still there.