Thursday, July 12, 2007

Check Out Our Garden

This is our first attempt to grow something with our own hands. This picture is about a month or so into our project.

From left to right: Zucchini, Tomatoes, Onions, Cantaloupe, Watermelon, Raspberries, Parsley and Marigolds

Updates to follow!


The Good Life: GMGE said...

Check out the first fruit of our labor:*KUp7BHSHqqy7XH6gXPaP%7CRup6lQQ%7C/of=50,590,442*KUp7BHSHqqy7XH6gXPaP%7CRup6aQQ%7C/of=50,332,442
These guys look a little sad, but hey, its our first attempt!

db said...

Man, don't talk with you two for a few months and look what I miss.. You're pregnant and you're growing tomatoes! Shoot.

Keep posting.. I'll be watching!

DeLacerzzzz said...

Dudes. Wow. Mandi. You are entirely too domesticated. You sound like me. Then again, I always knew that you were destined for that. Good for you guys. But, EWWWWWWWWWWWW there are WORMS in the ground. You know how gross I think those are. Count me out of the gardening. Although I have been cooking a lot lately. Sorry that I woke you guys up. I was excited that Steph was coming to the wedding. Love you.

MIchelle said...

Mandi where are your new posts. I keep watching, but not seeing anything new. Get on it lady. You got me into this, but now I do it way more than you.